
Current Revise and Resubmits / Conditional Acceptances

Johansson, N., de New, S.C , Kunz, J.S., Petrie, D. and M. Svensson (2022), Reductions in out-of-pocket prices and forward-looking moral hazard in health care demand (revise&resubmit, Journal of Health Economics).

Martin Bassols, N., de New, S.C , Johnston D. W.and M. A. Shields (2022), Cognitive Activity at Work and The Risk of Dementia (revise&resubmit, Health Economics).

Saxby, K. Byrnes, J., de New, S.C , Nghiem S. and D. Petrie (2022), Does affirmative action reduce disparities in healthcare use by Indigenous peoples? Evidence from Australia’s Indigenous Practice Incentives Program (revise&resubmit, Health Economics).

Articles in Refereed Journals

de New S.C. and Schurer, S. (2022), Survey Item-response Behavior as a Proxy for Unobserved Ability: Theory and Application, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, forthcoming.

Avdic, D, de New, S.C. and D. Kamhoefer (2021), Economic Downturns and Mental Health in Germany, European Economic Review, 140, 103915.

de New, S.C., S. Schurer and D. Sulzmaier (2021), Gender Differences in the Lifecycle Benefits of Compulsory Schooling Policies, European Economic Review, 140, 103910.

Botha, F., de New, J., de New, S.C., Ribar, S. and N Salamanca (2021), Implications of COVID-19 Labour Market Shocks for Inequality in Financial Wellbeing, Journal of Population Economics, 34 (2), 655-689.

Black, N. and S.C. de New (2020), Short, Heavy and Underrated? Teacher Assessment Biases by Children’s Body Size, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistic, 82, 961-987.

Saxby, K., de New, S.C. and D. Petrie (2020), Structural Stigma and Sexual Orientation Disparities in Healthcare Use: Evidence from Australian Census-linked Administrative Data, Social Science & Medicine, 255, 113027.

Kassenboehmer, S.C., Leung, S. and S. Schurer (2018), University Education and Non-cognitive Skill Development, Oxford Economic Papers, 70(2), 538-562.

Black, N. and S.C. Kassenboehmer (2017), Getting Weighed Down: The Effect of Childhood Obesity on Socioemotional Difficulties, Journal of Human Capital, 11 (2), 263-195.

Elkins, R., Kassenboehmer, S.C. and S. Schurer (2017), The Stability of Personality Traits in Adolescence and Young Adulthood, Journal of Economic Psychology, 60, 37-52.

Kassenboehmer, S.C. and S.G. Schatz (2017), Re-employment Expectations and Realisations: Prediction Errors and Behavioural Responses, Labour Economics, 44, 161-176.

Johnston, D., Kassenboehmer, S. C. and M. Shields (2016), Financial Decision-Making in the Household: Exploring the Importance of Survey Respondent, Health, Cognitive Ability and Personality, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 132, Part A: 42-61.

Cobb-Clark, D.A., Kassenboehmer, S.C. and M. Sinning (2016), Locus of Control and Savings, Journal of Banking and Finance, 73: 113-130.

Cobb-Clark, D.A., Kassenboehmer, S.C., Le, T., McVicar, D. and R. Zang (2015), “High-School”: The Impact of Early Marijuana Use on Educational Outcomes, Economic Record, 91(293): 247-266.

Cobb-Clark, D.A., Kassenboehmer, S.C., Le, T., McVicar, D. and R. Zang (2015), Is There an Educational Penalty for Being Suspended from School?, Education Economics, 23(4): 376-395.

Cobb-Clark, D.A., Kassenboehmer, S.C. and S. Schurer (2014), Healthy Habits: The Connection between Diet, Exercise and Locus of Control, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 98: 1-28.

Kassenboehmer, S.C. and M. Sinning (2014), Distributional Changes in the Gender Wage Gap, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 67(2): 335-361.

Kassenboehmer, S.C. and J.P. Haisken-DeNew (2012), Heresy or Enlightenment? The Well-being Age U-shape Effect Is Flat, Economics Letters, 117 (1): 235–238.

Kassenboehmer, S.C. and J.P. Haisken-DeNew (2009), You're Fired! The Causal Negative Effect of Entry Unemployment on Life Satisfaction. Economic Journal, 119 (536): 448-462.

Public Policy Contributions / Industry and Government Research Funding

Butterworth, P., de New, S. C., Schilling, C., Saxby, K., Petrie, D. and C. Wong, C. (2021), Dynamics of mental health and healthcare use among children and young adults, Australian Economic Review, 54, 130-146.

Broadway, B., Chigavazira, A. and S.C. Kassenboehmer (2014), Labour force potential of disability support pension recipients, Final Report. [on behalf of the Department of Employment, Australia]

Cobb-Clark, D.A., Kassenboehmer, S.C., McVicar, D., Le, T. and R. Zang (2012), The Impact of Middle-Years Experiences on Educational and Labour Market Outcomes, Final Report. [on behalf of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia]

Kassenboehmer, S.C., Leung, F. and R. Scutella (2012), Inclusion Indicators. [on behalf of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia]

Bachmann, R., Beimann, B., Bredtmann, J., David, P., Ehlert, C., Kassenboehmer, S.C., Schaffner, S. and L. Siemers (2011), Studies on “flexicurity” Lot 1: Study on various aspects of labour market performance using micro data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) – Final Report, RWI Projektberichte. [on behalf of the European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities]